Speaking And Meditating God's Word, Joshua 1:8 | Bible Verse Study

1st Mar 2022

Bible Verse

This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth,

but you shall meditate on it day and night,

so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it;

for then you will make your way prosperous,

and then you will have success. - Joshua 1:8


Have you ever noticed that when you obey, things go better? Let's obey what this verse tells us. This scripture not only instructs us to read the bible and keep it in our mouth (speak it) but also declares that everything will be better.

God, our father solely wants the best for us and the Bible will guide us to make better decisions.

Today I wanted to share with you the verse Joshua 1:8 because our Lord advises about the importance of reading the Bible not only once but every day, day, and night. Reading the Bible will help us to act appropriately in all kinds of situations, and blessings will come once we act as God wants.

With this verse, I want to invite you to try to meditate on the word of God day and night and share His word with your family (speak it). And let's not forget to always ask our Lord for help, in our prayers.


Heavenly Father, 

Thank you for your love, thank you for the Bible, thank you for guiding us, I beg that you renew in me a clean heart and that only blessings will come out of my mouth according to Your word. Do not allow your word to depart from my mind and mouth because without it, I have nor am nothing.

Help me to love, as you love, help me to give as you give, help me to do your will.

Lord, you are my strength and my guide, thank you.

I ask you for all this and, thank you on behalf of your beloved son, Jesus Christ, Amen.